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I'm no superstar but I do earn daily income as a YouTube Partner.  I record videos speaking about topics that interest me.


InternetEducation101 YouTube Channel

HomeBaseIncome101 YouTube Channel



When I opened the first YouTube Channel, the plan was to record videos speaking about how I earn money online. Over time the HomeBaseIncome101 YouTube Channel became a miscellaneous channel where I speak about many different topics. Topics range from home beauty treatments to Internet coupons and eCoupons.  The HomeBaseIncome101 YouTube Channel now earns me daily residual income.

YouTube Partner Income


Here I discuss the online resources I use to continue to expand my Internet business.  I introduce and give visual examples about Internet Marketing practices, blogging, website builders, Social Media networking, computers, gadgets, new ways to watch TV using the Internet, modern technology and the like.  Too much to list here. When I learn something new and use it, if that something new works, I share what I learned and show how to use it.


InternetEducation101 YouTube Channel

HomeBaseIncome101 YouTube Channel


How I Earn Money Showing Ads On My YouTube Channels

I applied to the YouTube Partnership Program and was approved.  I record videos speaking about many different topics and YouTube show ads before or around my videos.  I choose what kind of ads are shown when a visitor decides to watch one of my video clips.  The more people who decide to watch my videos the better the odds of me generating revenue.  YouTube is a fun, free and an easy opportunity to create daily residual income.


The Internet continues to open doors to new ways of earning income.  The HomeBaseIncome101 YouTube Channel is one stream of income.  The InternetEducation101 YouTube Channel is one stream of income.  Each Channel is considered a single stream of income.


The YouTube Partner Program is a part of the Google Adsense Publisher Program.  Any revenue earned from my YouTube Channels get deposited into my Adsense Account.  That is how the Google YouTube Partnership Program pays me.


In this webpage description I mention including YouTube videos into your website/blogs content to earn more money.  Whenever I create a new website or blog I include my own YouTube video clips.  Adding videos in and around the blog or website content enhances the content quality, helps direct visitors to my YouTube Channels and increases the odds of earning income from my YouTube Channels.

Google map of Freeport, Long Island New York
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